
Friday, 29 June 2012

Difference between living and existing

Well, for me to live is to be part of this world in body and spirit; and to exist means to pass by.

To live means, you take full part of whatever life has to offer, be it good or bad. You laugh, cry, love, make mistakes, you learn from mistakes and so you improve, you go to school, go to work, meet new people, read books, embrace nature, praise God; you realise that both success and failure are part of life and that to succeed at times you need to fail in order to be stronger and wiser. While you are going through life’s ups and downs, highs and lows, you don’t lose enthusiasm for life, because you know that every day is another opportunity and another chance giving to you by God to enjoy the best that the day has to offer you.

To exist simply means that you don’t feel part of the world. You feel like another number. When you exist, you hardly see the beauty in things, be it bad or good. It seems as if, someone is just pushing you to go through life and that is what you are doing. I feel such a person can be pessimistic and ungrateful. They also have less confident in themselves and feel and have no sense of purpose. They feel that life is a burden and they can’t wait to be done with it.

The difference between someone who is living and the one who is existing is that the former is energetic about life and tries to make the best of every situation that life throws without losing enthusiasm, while the later, does not see good in life and the person feels as if he/she does not belong here and feels that whatever he/she does is not enough. They are failing to live. To live means, you embrace everything this life has to offer – both success and failure without looking down on yourself. So, start living and stop existing. Wake up every morning, ready to live life - people need you alive.

Source of Picture:

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