
Friday, 8 June 2012

I challenge you to stop calculating risk and reward and just do what you know is right

The need to be 'on top of things always and to belong’ makes us lose ourselves and instead of doing the right thing, we do things just to show off to people – not caring whether it is right or wrong. The time to stop calculating risk and rewards and do the right thing starts from an individual and what you want out of life.
I often say, to do the wrong thing is easy because you will end pleasing every human and you will feel that they love you; but that is far from true. Also, it does not really take a lot of hard work.
Personally, I do not follow the crowd. If I feel and know that something is not right, I prefer you hate me but I will not succumb. I guess that’s why people who truly know me say that “I am stubborn” (it has its advantages and disadvantages). In this era/generation that we live in, there are a lot of wrong things that are now considered right and if you do it, you will be considered ‘cool’ and if you don’t do it, you will be considered either ‘too serious’ or ‘boring’.
Most of us know for a fact that those things such as “getting wasted or having many different sexual partners – you be a man or woman” is not the right way to go, but because we want to belong – we end up in such road. It is time you stood by your principles and doctrines of what is right and wrong, even if you will end up losing some people and how they feel about you. take the courage and don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
It really feels good, when you do the right thing - you do have to sacrifice, but it is all worth it at the end. I don’t know about you, but I feel good every time I do what I know is right. so, i challenge you to take a stand and do the right thing, even in the midst of the pains.

Source of Image:


  1. Yea, exactly it is better to be uncool and do what is right, than be cool and wallow in sin and wrong things.I agree with you.
