
Friday, 29 June 2012

Difference between living and existing

Well, for me to live is to be part of this world in body and spirit; and to exist means to pass by.

To live means, you take full part of whatever life has to offer, be it good or bad. You laugh, cry, love, make mistakes, you learn from mistakes and so you improve, you go to school, go to work, meet new people, read books, embrace nature, praise God; you realise that both success and failure are part of life and that to succeed at times you need to fail in order to be stronger and wiser. While you are going through life’s ups and downs, highs and lows, you don’t lose enthusiasm for life, because you know that every day is another opportunity and another chance giving to you by God to enjoy the best that the day has to offer you.

To exist simply means that you don’t feel part of the world. You feel like another number. When you exist, you hardly see the beauty in things, be it bad or good. It seems as if, someone is just pushing you to go through life and that is what you are doing. I feel such a person can be pessimistic and ungrateful. They also have less confident in themselves and feel and have no sense of purpose. They feel that life is a burden and they can’t wait to be done with it.

The difference between someone who is living and the one who is existing is that the former is energetic about life and tries to make the best of every situation that life throws without losing enthusiasm, while the later, does not see good in life and the person feels as if he/she does not belong here and feels that whatever he/she does is not enough. They are failing to live. To live means, you embrace everything this life has to offer – both success and failure without looking down on yourself. So, start living and stop existing. Wake up every morning, ready to live life - people need you alive.

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What motivates me?

Mama and I
My mother is my biggest and number one motivation in becoming the best of me in this world. Everything she has been through and still goes through motivates me to want to be the best person in society. I feel that she deserves to be proud of me and each of the dreams, goals and ambitions I have, connects with the fact that I must honour her.

The fact that she has so much love and respect for her children, family, friends and people, makes me admire her so much. My mama has been through a lot and she still goes through a lot, but she never loses enthusiasm; she is always ready to give the best.

She inspires me to be loving, caring, forgiven, humble, responsible and hardworking. I wouldn’t say she is strong, but she is definitely a woman of strength.

The fact that she does not allow her suffering and pains to distract her from loving and providing for us – is really something to admire. No matter what this woman goes through; she does not allow that to interfere with her responsibility and duty. She will sacrifice anything for the love she has for her children and not only that, but for everybody in need of her.

My mother motivates me to be a good woman and an individual in society. Thinking of her and looking at her, makes me believe and strive for success. She is truly my biggest inspiration.

Chose to forgive

Forgiveness allows for peace of mind and that, shouldn’t be traded for anything else in the world. This world has a lot of challenges and difficulties, you can call it whatever you want to call it; but one thing is certain, life is too short to be living with resentment.

When you forgive you release the negatives and allow for positives in your world. Your world already has a lot of stress in it, why do you want to allow resentment to rule your life?  ask yourself this one question: does it worth it? To be honest, resentment does not add anything tangible to my world; it just makes me live in the past and not in the present and my present brings its own issues already.

I know life brings unexpected bad experiences – we get hurt by people we love and at times by those we don’t even know; and we have every right to be angry but you don’t need to be cruel to yourself; because when you don’t forgive, you are being cruel to yourself. You deserve to have peace in your life and when you don’t forgive, that will not happen. When someone wrongs you, forgive. You are the number one person that will benefit of the forgiveness and then the person that wronged you.

Forgiveness is a process. Before you forgive, you have to grieve. You will never forgive, if you don’t take that first step. After the grieving, chose to forgive. Like every other thing in this world, forgiveness is a choice. You chose to forgive because you want peace of mind and want to move on to living your life.

You don’t need to have closure to forgive. At times you will have closure and other times, you will never get it; either way chose to forgive.

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If I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t change anything in my life

Well, I consider my life to be beautiful with all the blunders i've made and all that i have been through. I do know that i will still encounter challenges in my tomorrow, but there will be lots of laughter and joy too. for that, i accept my past and I will not change anything in my life.

I am saying that simply because I realised and recognised that life is full of ups and downs and nobody on earth can escape it. If I have to do things differently, I will still do some blunders, because I am just human.

I have made mistakes, failed many times, succeeded, felt true joy and many random emotions; but that is part of life. Life might not be pleasant at times, but I am a part of it because I am alive. I love my life the way it is - all that I have been through, made me who I am. It is my world. I don’t want to change anything. I embrace everything that I was and that I am and everything given to me – hoping that my tomorrow can bring some sunshine and strength to deal with whatever challenges I may face.

Why do we want the good things that life has to offer but when it brings its challenges, and maybe we do some blunders, we feel useless. It happened and let it be. Learn to let go of your past and live in the present. Every day given to you is another opportunity to live a good life. If you didn't like the way things were in your past, today make a concious decision to make it better, and with God's help it will be better.
What I am simply saying is that, I would not change a thing in my life. My past is gone, I live in the present and I am thanking God for that opportunity and hoping for a beautiful tomorrow.  

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Friday, 22 June 2012

10 most unexpected consequences of being online

Technology seems to be taken charge of both people and businesses and one of these technologies is the internet. Now a days people and businesses can’t seem to survive without the internet, and it can be because it brings distance communication to a whole new level but whatever the reason, there are consequences; these are but a few of the unexpected consequences of being online:

1.    One can find love.

2.    You meet fraudulent people.

3.    Get in touch with your long lost high school friends.

4.    A tweet, or Facebook comment or a blog post can actually change your perspective of life.

5.    One can be a victim of human traffickers.

6.    One can be a victim of paedophiles.

7.    One’s online talk (a tweet) can cause havoc.

8.    One’s life can be saved by an inspired comment or tweet.

9.    Online gives the platform for learning good and bad things.

10. One can find answers to almost everything – both right and wrong.

Whatever reason an individual has for using the internet, one thing is sure; we are all change in some ways by it. Whatever we do online has its consequences, just as whatever we do in life. so, be very, very careful.

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Never lose enthusiasm

Mistakes and failures are part of human life. We can’t never, ever escape it. I have made my share of mistakes and I have failed so many times in this one course of my life and guess what? - i will make more mistakes and fail many times; but I refuse to lose enthusiasm for life and my dreams.

Life will bring you different situations, some good and some bad, but you shouldn’t allow that to bring you down and most importantly, do not allow it to affect your present and your future negatively. There is no one on the face of the planet that has not made mistakes or failed. Mistakes and failures should make you redefine yourself in a positive way and not in a negative way.

You should use mistakes and failures to re-evaluate your life, goals and dreams. It should not be used as a weapon for beating yourself up and feeling all down and useless. I have learnt to grieve when things don't go my way- let it out and let it be. I accept what comes, instead of trying to act all that important; but one thing is constant, I don’t allow it to affect me negatively, instead I allow it to transform me in a positive way. I learn out of it.

I challenge you to live with passion, no matter what goes in your world. The earlier you accept the fact that life is not all rosy, the better for you. Meaning, at times you will feel good and at times you will feel down - whatever happens, just live your life and don’t lose enthusiasm and never, ever give up on that dream.

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My greatest skill

We are all possessed with skills and those skills help us achieve our goals and vision in this life. Without them, we will not survive in this world. To be skilled means that you possess a certain quality that will make you succeed in whatever path you chose to into. I will say that my greatest skill is standing up after I fail, and i do that quickly – I don’t dwell in self-pity.

I find it hard to stay down when I fail. When things don’t go my way, I grieve and after that, I stand back up, dust myself and I keep on going until I get that that I want. I don't know how to wallow in self-pity.

some people around me make me want to wallow in self-pity, because sometimes they feel my pain or maybe they just want to make me feel bad, but I don’t allow that. I believe that both failure and success is for me. If I fail, it's not mean is the end of the world. As long as I am alive, I know I will get whatever I seek to achieve, it is just a matter of time. So, when I fail, i stand back up and move forward and I don’t take the past with me. I learn from my past, live my present to the fullest and hope for the future.
I have many other great skills, but I think and I know that my ability to not wallow in self-pity, but instead accept defeat and hope that the next time I try I might or will get it right - is a great skill. All that I have achieved so far, has been because I never, ever gave up, no matter how many times I failed. If I truly want something, I believe and I go for it at whatever cost.

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Friday, 15 June 2012

The elephant in the room

Life evolves and so do humans, but the question here is; is the evolution for the better or for the worse? I look at society today and I see nothing but things getting out of control. One of them is our children and how they are growing up. Things such as media content have a great deal of impact in their lives, not necessarily for the better and yet we adults ignore and why, because as many will say “it is business”. This is really a big issue – it is the elephant in our society and we shouldn't ignore.

Now a days sex sells, and the media could care less about what they convey out there to the people as long as they are making money and power. It is really appalling seeing our children, at a young age, now being sexually active and concern about what the opposite sex thinks. They are innocent creatures and at that age, the only thing they should be doing is play, laugh, and grow well.

We adults need to realise that we are not the only ones living in this world. There are children in our midst and are prompt to act by what they see and hear. It is our adult duty to take responsibility and put laws in place that will help guide our children to their full potential. The home, schools, media and the government – all have a big role to play in making sure that our children grow up right and act as adults when the time is right.

I call on each and every adult to make an effort to help our children grow well and we should not ignore the elephant in the room – like it or not, it will affect all of us in the near future. Don't ignore the truth, because of money and power - remember that everything we do, have consequesnces.

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Being Naïve allows for experience

When i first arrived on earth I was innocent and naïve, until my beloved humans showed me differently. I am glad to say that after all that I have been through, I have not lost the enthusiasm to achieve my goals and the good hearted person inside me; I am very much determine to upgrade to the better, but I can’t deny that my experiences have made some impact in me.

I don’t know about other women, but for a long time now, i have been very naïve when it comes to men. I have never been in a real relationship, because to me they were never relationships. Back then I thought I was in one, but I know now that they were never that.

I was so eager and excited to have a man in my life that I lost sight of my principles and almost lost sight of who I am. Anyways, like I always say, it was my choice. I was young, but still I made the choice. I made a lot of mistakes and foolish decision but I am not regretting anything. I learned a lot actually.

I am writing this piece because I am free and I feel alive and i want you to know that, you have the power and you teach people how to treat you. I have learned a lot out of all of my struggles and failures with men. I know that I am stronger, wiser and waiting not for a boy but for a man. One thing out of all these is that – I take no s***t from men anymore and I settle for none of their rules. As Oprah always say "When you know better, you do better". so, i know better now - their games and their lies and i know i will do better.

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Friday, 8 June 2012

I challenge you to stop calculating risk and reward and just do what you know is right

The need to be 'on top of things always and to belong’ makes us lose ourselves and instead of doing the right thing, we do things just to show off to people – not caring whether it is right or wrong. The time to stop calculating risk and rewards and do the right thing starts from an individual and what you want out of life.
I often say, to do the wrong thing is easy because you will end pleasing every human and you will feel that they love you; but that is far from true. Also, it does not really take a lot of hard work.
Personally, I do not follow the crowd. If I feel and know that something is not right, I prefer you hate me but I will not succumb. I guess that’s why people who truly know me say that “I am stubborn” (it has its advantages and disadvantages). In this era/generation that we live in, there are a lot of wrong things that are now considered right and if you do it, you will be considered ‘cool’ and if you don’t do it, you will be considered either ‘too serious’ or ‘boring’.
Most of us know for a fact that those things such as “getting wasted or having many different sexual partners – you be a man or woman” is not the right way to go, but because we want to belong – we end up in such road. It is time you stood by your principles and doctrines of what is right and wrong, even if you will end up losing some people and how they feel about you. take the courage and don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
It really feels good, when you do the right thing - you do have to sacrifice, but it is all worth it at the end. I don’t know about you, but I feel good every time I do what I know is right. so, i challenge you to take a stand and do the right thing, even in the midst of the pains.

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Life is not about winning or losing – live!!!

Life is about living and not winning or losing. You should live your life by doing what you love and learning to love you and everything in and around you.
Capitalism has made it hard for people to actually live, it is about winning, always, and if you don’t win, then you are considered useless. It shouldn’t be like that because at some point in this life we will all win, lose, fail, succeed and make mistakes; it is allowed because we are only humans. At the end of the day, what matters is enjoying life by being free to be you – a human.
I have noticed that some people are alive, but do not live. They spend their lifetime caring what others think, trying to show off what they’ve got. Thinking that, they have to be the best and to win so as to earn the respect of others. They feel that if they do not succeed, then they do not have the right to be alive. It is not bad to want to win or be the best – you should strive to always be the best you can be; but when things don’t go your way, don’t take it too hard and give up, because you feel that your world is over. It is not over, it is the start of something new.
I recommend people should stop seeing life as winning or losing. Each day you wake up, ask the Lord to give you strength to be the best you can be and enjoy life. It isn’t about winning or losing, it is about working together to achieve a common goal, which is to be part of this world and make it a better place. So, when you fail or lose, pick up yourself, dust off the guilt and shame and keep moving - God is with you.

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Friday, 1 June 2012

Every day is a good day

Every day is indeed a good day for me. Not matter what i go through in life, every new day is a good day, because I am alive and I have being given another chance at improving myself – being the best that I can be.

I look around and I see that I am truly a blessed child. I have a lot to be grateful for. Things like, the gift of breathing. I still have my wonderful mama alive and she is stronger than ever. I have food, shelter, clothing, and water to drink and take my bath, money to spend it on what I want and need. I have a strong family unit that support me with their love and care; not forgetting the good and supporting friends that God has blessed me with. I am truly a blessed child. Above all, I am very healthy.

Words can’t even explain how happy I am and grateful that I have being given all of these and much more still to come by the Almighty God. So, when I look at all of these many blessings, not matter if things don’t go the way I planned them to go, they give me reasons to wake up every morning and sing for joy to God, because every day is indeed a beautiful day for me.

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Our children - our responsibility

Children are the joy and hope of the world. Although they can be stubborn at times, they are full of peace and a mystery we can’t ever understand. They are so cute, energetic, innocent and ready to learn about life and it is our responsibility, as adults, to make them be the best people in society.

We each have a role to play in their development: parents, schools, government, as well as the media. We do think that because he/she is not my child I don’t care, but we forget that we are all connected in this world and whatever one does, it affects the rest.

Take for instance, the media – it seems as if programmes with violence and sex, sells more than educative programmes. We adult can somehow differentiate the messages and think critically before absorbing it, but it is very hard for children, because at that stage they are very curious, they want to know everything. Let’s say, a 12 year learns early sexual behaviour from the media, and then he/she becomes sexually active before the right time. What comes out of this behaviour is either, getting infected with sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS or getting pregnant.

You will ask now how does that affect the media people – well, Mr A works in the media and has a 15 year old girl and let’s assume for a moment that that 15 year old girl dates a boy who is 16 year old and because of media sexual contents, he gets curious and wants to experiment. At the end he does experiment with the girl and gets her pregnant or worse because of his active sexual life – he is infected and then infects the girl. At the end it did not only affected the children, but  Mr A as well, who works in the media and thinks that showing such images, will never affect him and it is all business.

I am a strong believer that we adults are to blame for children’s misbehaviour. We no longer lead them in the right direction. We make them grow before their age and not in a good way, but in a bad way. Adults behave like children, never wanting to grow up and take up responsibilities. Remember, children are looking and learning everything from what we do. Be a positive influence to them by being responsible.

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Two wrongs can’t make a right

Two wrongs can’t make a right – that is a statement that I very much agree with. I have realised that ill-treating each other causes all the kayos we have in the world today. It is simple logic. Tell me, how does two wrongs, make things right, never. We are all looking for ways to make this evil world a better place and then you want to add more to the numbers of evil people.

Take for instance, you fall in love and then you get played. Then you vow and decide to play the next person that comes in your life. Tell me now, how does playing a perfect stranger that have not done anything wrong to you help? You play the new person and then he/she goes and does the same to the new one and it goes like that – is a circle that never stops. You didn’t like how it felt when they played you, then why do it to the other – two wrongs don’t make a right.

In my life I have been through a lot and no one will ever know because I chose to still maintain myself no matter what. Why will I wrong a stranger just because I was wronged by a jerk and an ungrateful being? We are all different and the fact that Mr A wronged you, does not mean Mr B will too… give people benefit of the doubt and stop judging them according to other people’s mistakes – that is not fair.

I leave you with this question – how will you feel if people treated you in a bad way just because they feel they have been treated badly as well? I guess not well, so before you wronged someone, think twice and ask yourself, do I want to add to the negativity in the world or reduce it? – One person can indeed make a difference.

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Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

Our greatest strengths I feel comes from being a good and loving person and the world will say, there lays our weaknesses. A good and loving person tends to forgive, believe the best of every body and always cares about the next person. As we have it, the world is an evil place to live in; and evil people are always ready to take advantage of the good people.

Being a good and loving person is a good thing and that is how life should be. I strongly believe that, we are all here to look out for each other. There shouldn’t be “thinking twice” before doing good to the next person.

I say being a good and loving person is our greatest strengths because it helps you have a sense of personal achievement. For instance, when in your power you lend a helping hand to someone in need, it gives you a sense of purpose and you will definitely grow (a reason for our existence). A helping hand could be in the form of forgiving someone who wronged you, or helping someone with their school work by teaching them. Their progress will make you feel useful to society and humanity as a whole, because you are being a positive influence to them, hence, a sense of personal growth and achievement on your part.

On the other hand, because you are a good and loving person, people might play you for a full and take advantage of your goodness. You will get your heartbroken every time by people who you thought they deserve your love and goodness. They know that you are such a lovely person and you will not give to pride or vengeance, because you don’t believe in such to resolve issues. At the end, you end up getting hurt over and over. Yet even with that, it makes you stronger.

Personally, I feel that our greatest strengths are not weaknesses. It’s just that some of us are so weak that when we get hurt once, we vow never again and make other people’s life miserable and it goes like that – a circle that never stops. You don’t need to be evil to be strong.  To the good people, don’t just be good and loving but be wise as well.

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