
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Partnership and equality between a man and a woman

 “If you want to keep your man, know how to cook”, my friend’s boyfriend tells me at a dinner party that we were invited last week Friday, 23, 2012. It is true but my argument here is that both men and women have to play their roles for the relationship to last long. It is not fair for one to keep his side of the bargain and the other not, which is what destroys partnership. You are partners and each most do their bid of effort to achieve the goal, which is a relationship full of love, peace and harmony.

Since the beginning of time, there seems to be this law that the kitchen is the woman’s domain. It is her duty to keep her family fed and the household in tack. We are told by our elders, our mothers and society that a woman has to cook for her family, that is one of her duties. Well, I have nothing against that.

We all know that for a system to fully perform at its best; each subsystem must do their parts or else, things will fall apart. Also, a system has boundaries and rules and regulations that governs it states.

In every system there is also a leader and followers. Each of them has a role to play in order for their goal to be reached. In the case of a family, I believe that God gave each and every member (subsystems of a system) a role to play in order to achieve peace and harmony. The Husband being the head, has to protect, respect, love, honour his wife. The woman on the other hand, has to love, respect and be submissive to her husband. These are responsibilities of them as instructed by God.

John not helping his wife, Mary.
He thinks that he is a slave

When God gave the man the position of head, he did not do that for him to abuse his wife and children, NO, he did it because he knew that women and children are weak and need to be protected from all kinds of harm; emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. What I see in society now, is men thinking that because they are the head, they need to exert abusive control on women and children and treat them as slaves.

Matthew and Marta,
doing the work together.

What I am trying to say in essence is that, we should all do our little bit to live a life full of love, joy, peace and harmony. You are the head to protect and lead your system to its goal. We have to be fair; you can’t expect her to cook a delicious meal for you, when you are abusing her physically and emotionally. It goes both ways, 50/50. She is not a slave and the same goes to the woman.  There has to be a sense of respect for each other.

Sources of Pictures:

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