
Friday, 16 March 2012

Crying - strengh or weakness???

Crying is the shedding of tears. It is an emotional state in which drop of liquids fall out of someone’s face and it is always and mostly associated with pain and also with joy. The topic crying as a sign of weakness or strength, its one dear to my heart, because i am a crier. To cry its good, trust me, and the reason been that it allows you to let go of negative things you have bundle up and allows for clarity and new perspective on things.It frees oneself from that bondage of anger, fear and unforgiving which does not allow for peace of mind.

Maria just lost her husband to infidelity and she
 is pondering what went wrong
Crying allows for true forgiveness to take place. To forgive takes strength to do and when you do cry, you will have the strength to forgive the person that has wronged you. Crying will give you the platform to confront the situation and the person that hurt you. You will find it hard to forgive when you have not grieved the situation; because your pride will not allow it and therefore you will not let go. You will have it bundle up inside you and to me that is not wise. Life its too short to be seating around miserable. Which one do you prefer living under hell or swallowing your pride, cry it out and live a life full of peace? - that is for you to decide.

When I cry, I often feel very good afterwards. I am not ashamed to cry and my family back in Equatorial Guinea knows that in me. When I feel pain, I cry it out. I need to do that to let the negative feelings out and let go. That is why I forgive and forget wrongs of people.

Maria relaxed after crying,
ready to make a decision
It also allows for clarity. Crying makes you see things in a new perspective and give you the strength to carry on. When you are letting go, you are allowing the chance to have new perspective on the situation. You will be able to make better decisions, because your mind is clear of negativity and you are ready to take wise decisions. The crying will allow you to see what went wrong and why and then you are well equipped to make a good decision.

At times you might loose a job, a dear friend, mother, father, a close family member or you might be going through some emotional turmoil, whatever the situation, don't bundle up those negative feelings. You have every right to cry that is the only way you will not lash out at an innocent person.

Crying just like every other feeling or emotion is necessary for a living. You were not built of wood, you are a human being and you have feelings. So, when you’re hurt, it is OK to cry. I don’t like to have negative things bundle up in my heart. There is only room for beautiful memories and the things that are not pleasant, I let it out and I allow for new beautiful things inside.

Sources for pictures:

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