
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Partnership and equality between a man and a woman

 “If you want to keep your man, know how to cook”, my friend’s boyfriend tells me at a dinner party that we were invited last week Friday, 23, 2012. It is true but my argument here is that both men and women have to play their roles for the relationship to last long. It is not fair for one to keep his side of the bargain and the other not, which is what destroys partnership. You are partners and each most do their bid of effort to achieve the goal, which is a relationship full of love, peace and harmony.

Since the beginning of time, there seems to be this law that the kitchen is the woman’s domain. It is her duty to keep her family fed and the household in tack. We are told by our elders, our mothers and society that a woman has to cook for her family, that is one of her duties. Well, I have nothing against that.

We all know that for a system to fully perform at its best; each subsystem must do their parts or else, things will fall apart. Also, a system has boundaries and rules and regulations that governs it states.

In every system there is also a leader and followers. Each of them has a role to play in order for their goal to be reached. In the case of a family, I believe that God gave each and every member (subsystems of a system) a role to play in order to achieve peace and harmony. The Husband being the head, has to protect, respect, love, honour his wife. The woman on the other hand, has to love, respect and be submissive to her husband. These are responsibilities of them as instructed by God.

John not helping his wife, Mary.
He thinks that he is a slave

When God gave the man the position of head, he did not do that for him to abuse his wife and children, NO, he did it because he knew that women and children are weak and need to be protected from all kinds of harm; emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. What I see in society now, is men thinking that because they are the head, they need to exert abusive control on women and children and treat them as slaves.

Matthew and Marta,
doing the work together.

What I am trying to say in essence is that, we should all do our little bit to live a life full of love, joy, peace and harmony. You are the head to protect and lead your system to its goal. We have to be fair; you can’t expect her to cook a delicious meal for you, when you are abusing her physically and emotionally. It goes both ways, 50/50. She is not a slave and the same goes to the woman.  There has to be a sense of respect for each other.

Sources of Pictures:

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

I will write this piece from an angle of “courage, faith and hope”. Nothing in life is certain and there are things in life we want to achieve but when we see the greatness of the thing, we get scared and give up, sometimes even without trying.Fear grips us in and so our faith and hope goes down the drain.

In life we have choices to make to get to the top. For instance, to get a degree, which is an achievement, it requires a lot of hard work, determination, dedication and perseverance to get there. Looking at these qualities, it frightens many of us, because we are scared that that will not be enough to get the success we want. So, we can get scared and give up, even before starting the race.

What we need to know is that to get to achieve a degree in whatever field, you have to take it step by step. Have a vision of what you want and don't look at the load of work awaiting you tomorrow. That means, instead of looking at the load of work to do in the next 4 months, you should concentrate on the load of work right in front of you; because if not, you might lose sight of what is important. There should be a need to take it step by step and prioritising things in order to achieve the degree.

Don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow has not yet come. In order for you not to lose it, deal with the situation at hand. It is scary to think of what will happen tomorrow, but that is when faith and hope comes in. Your actions are for today and your faith and hope are for tomorrow. Take it a step at a time and remember to balance, so that you don’t fall.

Sources for the pictures:

Friday, 23 March 2012

God deserves to be reverend

Dear audience,

We are living in a world that has decided to write off our creator and it should not be like that. God is worthy of our respect, obedience and love. We should not get influenced by what society says, if we look deep inside, we know that God is and should be above all things. 

The very air we breath, He gave to us. He created us and not the other way round.He loves us so much that he is willing to overlook our bad behaviours.  Who among us, can actually love that way? No one. 

I get it, it is very hard to worship and praise a God that claims to be loving and allows for suffering and pain in the world, but have you perhaps ask yourself, why He sometimes does not seem to be there? I came up with this piece "Suffering and pain is not as a result of God being away from us but it is a result of our selfishness, greediness and pride. We are here to look out for each other and help each other to be the best they can be; But we don't do that and when things don't go well, we put the blame on God. If each individual could love, there will not be so much suffering and pain. So, remember this next time you want to remove God out of your life, because things didn't go your way.

God is good and he is love and though you write him off, he will not do that to you. He is just waiting for you to come back home and acknowledge that he is God, your father and must be reverend. 

God is Love.

Source of picture:,r:13,s:15 

We are what we do

Hello audience!!! I am hoping you had a great week and that you are looking forward to your weekend. I am back again with an inspired piece, "We are what we do". I hope i am able to influence your life in a positive way through my writing.Seat back, relax and enjoy the reading!!!

We are what we do, as the sentence implies, we are truly what we do; what you do or how you act, tells much about who you are. For example: if you take your academic serious, you will be label as someone who has a purpose and determine to succeed; that is how you will be known. Another example would be a thief. Someone who goes around, taking things that does not belong to him without permission is called a thief and that is what he/she will be to people, because he is doing such. So, whatever you do or however you act that is who you are. 

Maria serious with her studies
because she has a goal in mind
which is to graduate.

At this point, i will like to let you know that, chose doing right instead of wrong, because there are consequences for your actions. Whatever we do in life comes with consequences.Reward for a job well done and punishment for a bad behaviour. For example, i am Public Relations 4 student and my goal for this year, it is to pass with good grades and graduate next year. If i want that to happen, i have to be the following:

  • self-discipline
  • self-determine
  • persevere or press on
  • be strong emotionally and mentally
  • studious
  • respectful to both classmates and lecturers
  • think out of the box
  • put God above everything
With these qualities in place, i am heading to a good place. you could also do otherwise and you will reap the reward.

Maria awarded for her hard work
and she feels good about it.
That stage of her life is over.

In essence, what i am saying is that whatever you do, that is who you are and there are consequences for you actions. choose to do right instead of the wrong thing. I know that at times doing the right thing could cause you a fortune, but let me tell you, it is all worth it, once you achieve your goal.

Source of Pictures:,r:8,s:0

Friday, 16 March 2012

We are afraid of the wrong things

Joseph cutting himself short
without giving it a try
because of fear of failure

We are often afraid of the wrong things… why and for what? There is a huge fear of failure. We are afraid of not meeting people’s expectations of us, we are afraid of being ourselves because we just want to belong or be “cool”. If we were to be ourselves, maybe people wouldn’t find us all that cool to hang out with. We are afraid to be different or to voice out our opinions, because people might not agree with our opinions and thinking, so we limit ourselves so much because of so much fear.

But why is that so? Who says we shouldn’t fail and who says that to succeed you must always be on top of things and things must always go well and your way. Who says everybody must love you, or it is bad to be unique, all that society rules instill it in our heads and we forget to live.

I think we are in a society that expects so much of us. Our parent expects us to be the good child always. Our communities and society at large expects us to behave in a certain way in order to be accepted. Our friends and spouses do not make it easier either. For example, I see many us who behave foolish and become someone else in order to get affected. Enough is enough, we are not perfect and no one will ever be.

For us to climb up the ladder of success, be it in a career, as a friend, as girlfriend/wife, friend, one must not be afraid to fail and make mistakes; it is only through that path, that you will learn the right way to go. We are not here to judge people or accept them only when they do things right, but to show them more love during the times they make mistakes. Accept them the way they are; and if they make mistakes is our duty to bring them in the right path. Disciplined them but after that, show them love.

I think why people often fear the wrong things it’s because we demand so much from each other. We are quick to judge and hard to accept someone who is different from us or someone who has done wrong. Therefore, all of that adds to the fear of wrong doings and that can actually cause you to do wrong, because you are under so much pressure.

Samuel Smiles had this saying “it is a mistake to supposed that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures”. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and the wrong things in your life, remember you learn better ways of dealing with situations in the future through those mistakes and you become wiser and stronger. As Oprah always says “when you know better, you do better”; I have been through alot and i still have a long way to go and i refuse to give in to fear of any sorts. The wrong way will lead me back in the right way because through that i will know better.

Source for the picture:

Crying - strengh or weakness???

Crying is the shedding of tears. It is an emotional state in which drop of liquids fall out of someone’s face and it is always and mostly associated with pain and also with joy. The topic crying as a sign of weakness or strength, its one dear to my heart, because i am a crier. To cry its good, trust me, and the reason been that it allows you to let go of negative things you have bundle up and allows for clarity and new perspective on things.It frees oneself from that bondage of anger, fear and unforgiving which does not allow for peace of mind.

Maria just lost her husband to infidelity and she
 is pondering what went wrong
Crying allows for true forgiveness to take place. To forgive takes strength to do and when you do cry, you will have the strength to forgive the person that has wronged you. Crying will give you the platform to confront the situation and the person that hurt you. You will find it hard to forgive when you have not grieved the situation; because your pride will not allow it and therefore you will not let go. You will have it bundle up inside you and to me that is not wise. Life its too short to be seating around miserable. Which one do you prefer living under hell or swallowing your pride, cry it out and live a life full of peace? - that is for you to decide.

When I cry, I often feel very good afterwards. I am not ashamed to cry and my family back in Equatorial Guinea knows that in me. When I feel pain, I cry it out. I need to do that to let the negative feelings out and let go. That is why I forgive and forget wrongs of people.

Maria relaxed after crying,
ready to make a decision
It also allows for clarity. Crying makes you see things in a new perspective and give you the strength to carry on. When you are letting go, you are allowing the chance to have new perspective on the situation. You will be able to make better decisions, because your mind is clear of negativity and you are ready to take wise decisions. The crying will allow you to see what went wrong and why and then you are well equipped to make a good decision.

At times you might loose a job, a dear friend, mother, father, a close family member or you might be going through some emotional turmoil, whatever the situation, don't bundle up those negative feelings. You have every right to cry that is the only way you will not lash out at an innocent person.

Crying just like every other feeling or emotion is necessary for a living. You were not built of wood, you are a human being and you have feelings. So, when you’re hurt, it is OK to cry. I don’t like to have negative things bundle up in my heart. There is only room for beautiful memories and the things that are not pleasant, I let it out and I allow for new beautiful things inside.

Sources for pictures:

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Fish falling from the sky

To write something meaningful about this topic, i had to look at it from an angle of human lives, what we expect from life and how we react to situations. We have vocabularies like "life its not fair" or "why do God as a loving being allow so much suffering...". We have the right to ask such questions or make such statements, because we all go through obstacles on our way to success. Here is the thing, your dreams doesn't get achieved by only good things happening to you, but through the rough times, we get to learn; we learn through suffering strength and wisdom and how to stand on our two feet. Things can't be handed to us, we have to fight, loose the battle, stand up again, learn and achieve success.

She is waiting for life to be fair to her

If we had the chance or if it was possible, we will seat in our asses and do nothing and expect greatness in return. we expect "fish to fall from the sky". We do  not want to do the hard work, we do not see the meaning behind falling, we need to succeed always and get whatever we want when we want it and anything other than that is "not fair".

Working and not
expecting the product
to create itself.
 It is time for us as humans to learn that there is a reason for everything and that to get something, you have to work for it. it is not going to fall from the sky. Yeah, its good to believe in a God that does everything, but you have to help him, help you. You have to know that every tear and hard work, will be rewarded. Don't expect fish to fall from the sky.

As long as you are in this world, things will be hard and there will be obstacles and its not because God does not love you or life its not fair, but there are lessons that we as individuals have to learn. Things don't come easy, you have to work for it and you will surely be rewarded.



Who is that girl???

Dear audiences, i feel that i need to introduce myself to you, why? -  i don't really know, but I think its because i will write from my heart and having a background of me, will not surprise you about my writings. Its true that you can't know all about me in a blog, but at least you will have the basics that you need to assess or judge me. I should have done this at the beginning of my blog, but anyways, as they say "its better late than never"

Who is that woman, Victoria?

My name is Victoria Isabel Ndong Mele and my house name is "Vicky", you are more than welcome to call me by my house name...haha. I am from Equatorial Guinea, the only country in Africa that speaks Spanish and i live in the capital called Malabo. I am a siblings of two, i am the eldest and the younger one is a male who goes by the name of Jesus Damian Ndong Mele. My mother is Amparo Mele Colifa and my father is the late Jesus Ndong Bindang. Like every other African countries and cultures, my family consist of cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, nieces and nephews, and family friends. I have a very very big family and i cherish them to death.

I did my primary school in my home country and my secondary school in Nigeria for a period of 6 years and there i learn discipline, responsibility and respect. Although, i didn't enjoy the country, i have to say i learnt lot of good things there. You know what, i think its because of the hard life, it gives you strength and wisdom to go through life - its strange to see people suffering and they are still optimistic about life and i am using that wisdom here in South Africa. I am currently completing my course in Public Relations Management, here in Cape Town, South Africa.

My friends and i having fun!!!

My cousin and i dancing - Christmas 2011
I love dancing and singing.I believe that both arts help you express your emotions. I express my different emotions through dancing and singing. These arts have helped me go through obstacles in life. Whenever i feel i can go on,i run to music and i sing and dance the fear, stress and obstacles away.I don't know if any of you feel the same way.

I love my family and friends and i am very on point with God. I am not claiming to be perfect or holy, because no one is; but i reverend the man upstairs, because he is really full of love, mercy, wisdom and grace. I do my best to live my life for him, by loving people. I strongly believe that we are all here to look out for each other. Imagine a world in which instead of competing or comparing, we all work together towards helping each other, that is what love is.

If I had to go on, I will never stop because my life its full of interesting stories but i am going to leave you by saying that i am an easy going person and i don't take nonsense from people. I don't follow the crowd and i luv socialising with people of different cultures, because i believe in learning from others. There are things you can't learn in class, but that only your environment and the people around you will give you. My life its the combination of both the good and bad things that life throws my way. Also the combination of wise and foolish decisions I have ever made.

Above all "i balance life". I love to party, its in every Equatorial Guinea blood..haha, let it be known that i don't take my work for granted. For me, there is time for everything. I think I will stop here.

What is the colour of the wind?

Letting go
To be honest with you, I don’t know much to tell you about the colour of the wind but in my capacity, I will try and give u an overview of what I consider to be the colour of the wind. The wind is colourless; if one looks at it on the surface, it has no colour. That will be the answer that many will give or that will first pop into your mind. Now taking it from another angle, the wind has a colour and that is it can colour your life. What do I mean by colour your life? – Well, follow me and discover a little mystery.

It is best to assume that we all have felt the wind through our bodies or faces. We all have experience what it feels like to be touched by the wind. When it touches us we all have different reactions to it. That is because of the strength of the wind. Cape Town’s wind it’s very strong and when it’s windy, it is a battle for most of us, but guess what? They call it Cape Doctor, because it is believe that it heals when a person is constipated. So, you see how it touches your life. The wind has the colour to make your life bright. Because when you are healthy, you are happy.
Feeling relaxed

It also makes you feel relax. Imagine you are  in your balcony and enjoying a quiet evening and a swift wind blows. That feeling that you experience is beautiful, because that swift wind makes you feel refresh and relax and there and then you leave yourself to the wonders the world has to offer. You forget about all of your problems for a second and feel anew again.

I will say that the wind has the colour to brighten the days of your life. Everything God has created has a purpose in life. Nature has a purpose and that is to brighten your days when things seem intense and a swift wind will bring that brightness in your life.


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Appreciating vs Complaning

She is appreciative of him

Appreciating in my understanding means giving thanks for everything and having gratitude at all times even when things go wrong. This gives you a sense of inner peace and that will give you room to see the bigger picture. Complaining makes one not find the good things you have and adds  more stress to whatever you are going through.

Its true that its hard to appreciate when things don't go our way and when we don't get what we want. Instead of seeing the bad in it and complain, take the time to appreciate and a sense of inner peace will come upon you. That inner peace, will make you not worry about anything and when you are not worried, your head is clear and you have more perspective on things. That peace of mind is a gift, in that, you will have a clear and strong mind, and you will be ready to look for solutions.

I believe that everything has its opposites; wrong and right, bad and good. When things go wrong, don't panic. Take a deep breath and just say the words "thanks or thank you", it will help you regain strength in the form of peace and your mind will generate a way out of the situation. When you appreciate instead of complaining, you will have clarity on what to do and above all you will have stress free life, full of peace. Choose to say thank you instead of "that its not good/that its not fair" - life its not fair and it will never be, so,  instead of sitting miserable, find new ways to make your life memorable and worth living.


I love my life and i celebrate it!!!

My cousins and i

My life is the combination of all things good and bad, just like everyone else’s. I am not different from anybody out there that has difficulties and struggle to achieve things; but one thing I have to tell you and share with you is that either way, I love my life and everyday that I am alive, I celebrate it, because I have a lot of good things to be grateful for.
My family from my father's side

I love my life because of the family God gave to me; I am proud to be in the "Ndong Mele" family", I wouldn't want to be part of any other family on earth. Yeah, at times I might get mad at them for some reasons and act as if I don’t care, but they are the best that has ever happened to me. We go through ups and downs but they will never for once abandon me. Above all they love me unconditionally. I love these words that I heard in a  spanish song "cuando las cosas van mal a tu lado siempre estan" which means that when things go wrong, there are always there.

Mama, cousin, grandma and i

I love my life because of the friends God brings in my path. They give me support and strength when I need it most. Above all they love me unconditionally. I am blessed to always have friends that are good to me and that I can learn from.


I love my life because of all the things that I have been through – I have been through difficulties, but I am still standing and I believe it is all because of the man that created me, God. He is making sure that everything I go through in life I don’t see it as a punishment or burden but I find the wisdom in them and walk in the right path.

I love my life because of the enemies God puts on my way. Actually, they are only making me stronger and wiser. The more they want to destroy me, the more I take the courage to be strong and survive.

I love my life because I am truly a blessed child. I have the best of everything: my country, family, friends, health and my needs are met. Tell me how I can complain, I should celebrate. Sure there will be moments that I feel like giving up because things are not going my way, but I will stay strong and remember that I am blessed and that everything happens for a reason. Love your life no matter what and celebrate it every day!!!

If i were the boss?

If i were the boss of a company, will create a platform that encourages and promotes balance. I've observed that most bosses of a company tend to be serious always, even when its not working hours. They so serious that they scare the employees; it scares them, because it does not give them way to approach their boss in a human level. They are seeing as "the big bad wolves". They are seen as people who just want to make money at all cost and they forget that their employees are humans.

Cool and relaxed boss

As the boss, i will create the perfect balance in the company. I will introduce them to a place that is not just a work place, but its a place where they can feel safe and do their job in a relaxing environment. I will create a place that speaks harmony, love, disciplined, responsibility and hard work. It will be a place where people can voice their opinions and where decisions will be made after listening to everybody's opinions. Because the company its not made up of the boss only, but the employees

If i were the boss, my company's principles will stand on respecting one another as a woman being, doing the work and allowing a platform for play, because the quote "all work and no play, makes John a dull boy" was invented just for hard core bosses, who treat their employees as machines instead of humans. I will be a liberal and cool boss.
