Often, the toughest choices are the right ones and they lead one in the right path. We all wish life could deal with us in an easy way – give us a break; and when we don’t feel that way about life, we often want to take the easy way out; because we feel we cannot deal with the pain; we give ourselves little credit and so we end up in the wrong path.
When we go through difficulties in life; there is the feeling that we can’t go on or take any more pain and so we take the easy way out; by either running to alcohol, drugs, meaningless sex, etc…trying to escape the hell life is giving us, thinking that that is the solution.
I have been able to observe that when we are faced with difficulties and trials – the first thing that comes to our minds is that we can’t go on. I am saying “you can do it”. When you tell yourself you can’t make it, you are giving the devil the ammunition to destroy you.
I am not saying you should pretend as if your life is perfect and good. We all go through difficulties and when you are in that position, try to grieve in a positive way by sharing your difficulties to a faithful and trusted friend who you know will be there to give you love and support. Make the tough decision to bare the pain, no matter what and don’t run to things that will take the pain for just 5 minutes. Surely, when you are down and sad, you have every right to be, but please do not help the devil destroy you.
So, I challenge you to make the tough decision to go through the pain with optimism for the future. If you are alive and breathing, it is for a reason. Instead of looking for easy way out, turn to God, your family and good friends for love and support, which is what you need at that moment – in my case, besides God, family and friends; I run to music and dancing, which gives me hope for the future and strength to carry on.
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