
Friday, 31 August 2012

Conventional is a good fall-back position isn’t it?


I do think that conventional is a good alternative and I say it with all conviction; having in mind what the world is turning into – in terms of morals.

I have been able to observe that morals do not longer exist in today’s society. Take for instance, the fact that the most unusual people are sexually active in the world, like teenagers and people that are not married. It seems sex has turned into a game, it has not meaning and I am afraid that it is becoming an epidemic.

Looking at this issue and I say issue, because it is in fact an issue; because it causes unwanted pregnancy (which allows for orphaned children) and sexually transmitted diseases. It is safe to say that conventional will be a good alternative to go back to.

We need to realise that this world is full of meaning and consequences and thus, it is good to have laws in place to keep us safe from our own foolishness. The fact that we seem to be taken freedom as a reason to not have morals and do whatever we please, it is not only affecting you the doer of the wrong but innocent people around you.

So, I am pretty sure that conventional is the best way out… where people have home training, respect for themselves and each other. Above all, falling back on conventional ways reminds you that life is short and that whatever you do has consequences; and your life is not really yours – he gave it to you so you better appreciate it.

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Help! I Messed Up

Dear Audience,

"I came back to reality with a sickening thud. Nothing was funny now. I wasn’t drunk anymore. The party was over and I felt sick, cheap, and dirty..."

My heart broke when I read the rest of her letter. She was a teenager crying out for help. And yet she is not alone. Sharing her plight scores of men and women wrestling with the same emotions. They are hurt, angry, guilty, and confused.

Over the years my wife and I have met some of them. Pregnant girls, young men, middle-aged women, prostitutes, homosexuals, and even some ministers who strayed sexually. In every case we felt their pain and tried our best to comfort and counsel them. But at the same time we knew that their greatest need was not us, but Jesus. They needed His forgiveness. They needed His cleansing. They needed His grace.

If you have your Bible handy, read the account of the adulterous woman in John 8:1-11. Dragged before Jesus, the religious leaders suggested stoning her. But His kind answer to her was: "I do not condemn you; go and sin no more." Like so many people today she had messed up sexually and was guilty. But before Jesus she received forgiveness and grace. What good news there is in the gospel: Through the blood of Jesus you and I can be cleansed of all our mess ups and mistakes.

But don't miss Jesus' parting words to the woman: "Go and sin no more." In the Bible you will find many warnings to keep from sexual sin. For example, 1Corinthians 6:18 says: "Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body." Hebrews 13:4 adds, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." If you are presently engaging in any form of sexual sin, including pornography, repent. Instead of making excuses, confess it to God. If you are not sure if you are saved and have eternal life, then invite Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour with this promise of God: "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life" (John 3:36).

Finally, realize that it is possible, even in this debased and sexually confused age, to live a life that is pure and upright before God. As you seek His help, Christ is able to give you self-control and the power to resist sexual sin. Today, ask God to keep you from temptation by filling you with His Spirit, His goodness, and His grace.

In His strong love,

A message from Calvary Community Church.

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How to be self-confident

I am a very confident person and it is a trait I have in me since I can remember. Being a confident person does not necessary mean that you will not feel low. It means the following:

Knowing who you are as a person; what you want and where you are going. This should be independent of your family’s traditions and society’s thinking of whom you should be and how you should act. You need to ask yourself, who am i? What do I want and where do I see myself? You need to find yourself, independent of people.

Take care of your physical outlook and dress smart. This simply means, take care of you by exercising, eating well, relaxing and sleeping, taking your bath regularly and dress smart.Taking care of you, will make you feel good and thus, bring self-confidence.

Appreciate yourself and others.

Believe in yourself.

Compliment others and mean it. When you see something good, learn to appreciate it, instead of hating.

Accept failure and defeat with grace. This simply means, that you accept the fact that you are human and you will not have the answers to everything and  at every time – you accept that at times life will bring difficulties and challenges that you cannot handle and that does not make you a failure, but a survivor.

Do away with pride and arrogance – you are not better than anybody. No matter how much money and power you have, you are human like the rest. So, live life loving and respecting people.

Do not be intimidated or envious of anybody’s beauty, riches, power or whatever.

Do away with proving yourself to people.

These are but a few i can share with you; and believe me, they work. It is not rocket science – try and find out how true it is.

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Friday, 24 August 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

A wise man once said, "No one can serve two masters, because either he will hate one and love the other, or be loyal to one and despise the other" Matthew 6:24 and that wise man is Jesus Christ. I have come to the realisation that, the above statement is true and if one does chase after two rabbits, it does have serious consequences. Chasing two rabbits will mean that one of the rabbits will have more of your attention than the other and when that happens, you will loose the other, if not both.
We live in this world, where everybody wants to have it all; in doing that, we ultimately loose focus of our goals and purpose in life. I personally feel that, chasing two rabbits at the same time is a sign of greediness and unappreciative. When you have something good in your life, don’t chase another. Be contented with what you do have.
The issue of relationships is a perfect example in this case. Where a man will have a woman who loves and cares very much for him; but to him is not enough, he needs more and so he goes out and looks for more. When he does that the consequences are always drastic for him and the women.
I feel that, a person that is always chasing two rabbits will never be satisfied. You can call him/her a confused and self-centred person. Who thinks that the world revolves around him/her - he/she always takes and never gives. The most interesting part of chasing two rabbits is that one of the rabbits will be more important than the other and so you cause the “less important” to feel like he/she is not worth it; and to make a person feel that way is just cruel.
I know it is human nature to want more, but be wise and prioritise things. Ask yourself, who am I? What is important in my life? What do I want to achieve from doing this and where do I want to go? What are my values and principles? Questions like these, makes you know which rabbit to choose and stick to, instead of chasing the two and in the process hurt one or even loose both. At the end, you will end up in a lot of trouble, because you will get what you did not bargain for.

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Bibi’s Hair and Beauty Salon

You want to look like a star??? - Bibi’s hair and beauty salon is the place where that transformation will take place. This salon is run by a very entrepreneurial woman, called Bibianne. She is very passionate about what she does and a very good reason you will be impressed with the kind of services she renders. With her very capable team of stylist and beauticians, you are sure to receive the best services and your money’s worth.
The salon specialises in services like: Facial, nail extensions, manicure/pedicure, massages, waxing, make up, tinting, braiding, hair extensions, eyelash extension, piercing, semi-permanent eyelash (individuality).

What are you waiting for???
Get in touch:                                                                                                          Find them:
Cell: 083 340 6228                                                                                         Shop No 33, 34
Tel: 021 425 9218                                                                                      Strand Concourse
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Cape Town
Allow this great team to transform you into the star that you are… J

Listen to your conscience

Dear Audience,

One of my favorit
e navigation aids is my mobile phone's Global Positioning System (GPS). I like it because it makes up for my poor sense of direction! Whenever I need to travel to any unknown destination I simply key in the address and its computerized voice guides me with commands like "Turn left now," or "Continue on for 4 km," or "Turn right in 500 meters." When I obey, it always keeps me on track. When I stray it is always quick to warn me!

Deep within your heart God has placed an internal navigation system. It is your conscience, and in some ways it functions like a GPS. The word conscience literally means "with knowledge." It gives you knowledge of right and wrong, and warns you when you go astray. The Bible speaks of the inner voice of your conscience either "accusing" or "excusing" you before God (Romans 2:15).

In scripture we read more than once of King David being accused by his conscience. One notable time was when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, a commander in his army. Although David initially tried to cover up his dark deed, his plan failed. So he wrote a letter to the captain of his army ordering Uriah's death. "Set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retreat from him, that he may be struck down and die," he wrote (2 Samuel 11:15).

The plot was carried out. Uriah was killed and David took Bathsheba as his wife. But the two did not live happily ever after. David was tortured by his conscience and guilt gnawed at him daily. In Psalm 32 he describes his turmoil. "My bones grew old through my groaning all the day long... My vitality was turned into the drought of summer" (Ps. 32:3-4).

Realizing the weight of his sin and his need of forgiveness, David finally repented. In Psalm 51 we have his prayer: "Against You, You only, have I sinned... Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow... Create in me a clean heart, O God." The Lord answered and mercifully forgave David. His guilt was cleared and his conscience was cleansed.

Because God loves you, He wants to relieve you of the heavy burden of your sin. But, like David, you need to seek His forgiveness. Is your conscience presently troubled over some sin or past failure in your life? Then turn to Jesus Christ in repentance. Have faith in the power of His blood to cleanse you of your guilt. "If we confess our sins," 1John 1:9 promises, "He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

In His strong love,
A message from Calvary Chapel Community Church
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Do you celebrate the things you do have?

I do celebrate my life.
I do celebrate everything given to me by God. I do understand that it can sometime be good and at times it can be disguised as difficulties and troubles. In all, i do celebrate everything that I have and that i am, because I see the beauty of it all... below is a list of the things I do celebrate:
I celebrate the fact that I am alive.
I celebrate the fact that my mother is alive and she is very loving, caring and above all supportive to my dreams.
I celebrate my entire family – they are a great support system.
I celebrate good friends that are always there to support, love and care for me.
I celebrate the fake friends, because they teach me life lessons – lessons such as being observant of people and careful to what I tell them.
I celebrate the fact that I am educated.
I celebrate my past.
I celebrate my weaknesses, because it made me wiser and I have to say stronger.
I celebrate my failures and success.
I celebrate the fact that I was sent to Nigeria to study. Although I didn’t enjoy the stay but I learnt three most important thing, respect, responsibility and disciplined.
I celebrate my foolishness.
I celebrate the fact that I have the basic necessities such as food, water, a place to live and clothing.
I celebrate that I do have people to talk with.
I celebrate my personality.
I celebrate the fact that God is on my side and I know he is always presence in my life. At times, he might be silent, but I know he is with me and that makes me a lucky woman.
I celebrate the air that I breathe and the nature that surrounds me.
I celebrate the times I am down and sad and feel that I can’t go on (and so I break down and cry) because when in that moment, i get clarity about life and also makes me realise the people that truly do care for me.
I celebrate the people that ever hurt me in this world, for they gave me strength; in the sense that, I am more forgiven and understanding.
I celebrate my self-confidence and life achievement’s so far.
I celebrate above all that I can HOPE, have FAITH and LOVE.
I celebrate my Christianity.
I do celebrate my name "VICTORIA" it is truly a blessing to me and the people around me.

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An emotional being

A passionate and expressive woman

This is me - I do exhibit strong feelings about everything that matters to me and everything that i am. I am a very passionate and expressive person and that makes me very easy to read. I see no reason in hiding my emotions when I feel them and I don’t apologise for it – I am very transparent and I love it; with me, what you see is what you get.
That means, if I am angry, I will show it and it ends there. I don’t see the reason of pretending like everything is perfect when in fact it is not; and when I am happy I show it too. I show all of my emotions and I am not embarrassed about it. I do cry when I can’t take it anymore -  I don’t care If no one likes a cry baby, your problem. I love so hard and easily, I give it all for anything that I do and want; and I stand for what I believe in no matter what surrounds me, because I have a passion for the project.
It is not in my nature to pretend to be what I am not. That is why people that have ever come into contact with me, know a lot about me. I repeat, I really don’t see the reason I need to pretend when things don’t go well or when things go well. I am a free spirited person and I really do not care if you like me or not. This is who I am and one thing - don’t even think of changing me, because this me helps me get through life just fine.

Friday, 17 August 2012

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)

OK, where do I start?
Well, having just an idea could mean that you don’t listen. You don’t listen to people’s views of things and to your own experiences. Having an idea restricts your thinking and horizons; it makes you ignorant about life and that’s what makes it dangerous.
When your thinking is restricted you become shallow about things of life. In life, it is very important we continue to learn and thus grow and we can only do that if we are given the opportunity to experience change; and changes happens through experiences.
Having one idea comes from you, but when you do listen to people’s experience, your experiences, nature, God, parents, teachers, etc… you are blessed with many ideas and suddenly you, learn and grow. Having one idea, will not make you grow – because that one idea will hardly work in all aspects of your life.

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Tough choices – right path

 Often, the toughest choices are the right ones and they lead one in the right path. We all wish life could deal with us in an easy way – give us a break; and when we don’t feel that way about life, we often want to take the easy way out; because we feel we cannot deal with the pain; we give ourselves little credit and so we end up in the wrong path.
When we go through difficulties in life; there is the feeling that we can’t go on or take any more pain and so we take the easy way out; by either running to alcohol, drugs, meaningless sex, etc…trying to escape the hell life is giving us, thinking that that is the solution.
I have been able to observe that when we are faced with difficulties and trials – the first thing that comes to our minds is that we can’t go on. I am saying “you can do it”. When you tell yourself you can’t make it, you are giving the devil the ammunition to destroy you.
I am not saying you should pretend as if your life is perfect and good. We all go through difficulties and when you are in that position, try to grieve in a positive way by sharing your difficulties to a faithful and trusted friend who you know will be there to give you love and support. Make the tough decision to bare the pain, no matter what and don’t run to things that will take the pain for just 5 minutes. Surely, when you are down and sad, you have every right to be, but please do not help the devil destroy you.
So, I challenge you to make the tough decision to go through the pain with optimism for the future. If you are alive and breathing, it is for a reason. Instead of looking for easy way out, turn to God, your family and good friends for love and support, which is what you need at that moment – in my case, besides God, family and friends; I run to music and dancing, which gives me hope for the future and strength to carry on.

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Friday, 10 August 2012

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Vicky, have you figure out your second head fake? – I will honestly say “YES”. I have actually just figured out my second head fake.

The second head fake is about life. The dreams we have and the challenges we face in achieving these dreams. We all have dreams we want to achieve, but the challenges we encounter does not make it easy to achieve these dreams. Many of us, if not now, have encountered problems, difficulties and have struggled in achieving our dreams.  The second head fake, permit me to say, it is like an epiphany that suddenly makes you realize and understand something you have been struggling with; that realization allows you to live life in a good way, because for some reason it gives you an insight and a glimpse of your life and where it can go.

The second head fake tells us that it is not about achieving dreams, but how to lead your life in a good and right way, even in the face of trials and difficulties; and often when you can’t make sense of things. By doing the right thing or living a good life and not worrying, you will attract that dream. It challenges us to just live a good life to the fullest, even when things don’t go our way and when we least expect it, that dream will come through – directly or indirectly.

So, if you ask me if I have figured out my second head fake – I will say “YES”. I have always lived my life to the fullest and i am still on that road of living my life with high morals, principles, values; doing the right thing and hoping that my most wanted dreams will one day come through - perhaps,  when I least expect it. I refuse to give up.

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Things that make me happy

I do strongly believe that, happiness is a mind-set. When one is happy, it is amazing how things can seem great. So, no matter what you go through in life, try to find something tangible and good that makes you happy – because a happy person will see the best of things and be thankful. Below are things that stir happiness and joy in my heart, even though the storm is strong:

Good friends and my family
Dancing and singing
Being a positive influence to somebody (a loved one or stranger)
Learning new and positive things
Increase in knowledge and wisdom of myself and others
Learning something new about God
When I make someone happy
Promoting peace
Forgiving others
Advising people
Contributing positively to the world I live in
Falling and being in love.
Honouring my mother and bringing glory to her name.
Talking to God
Being fair and just
Working hard in school or at work and getting positive results for it
Hope and faith
A sense of thankfulness
An optimist spirit
The Holy Spirit in me
Working for an NGO that stands for a good cause such as fighting poverty, hunger, right to education, promoting peace, etc….
Helping people

There are many more, but these are just few that i can mention.

Friday, 3 August 2012

I am…?

Where do i begin?  Well, I know…

Yes, I am Victoria Isabel Ndong Mele.
Yes, I am 25 years old because I was born in January 4, 1987…
Yes, I am Capricorn; which explains why i am tenacious. People call it stubborn, but I like to see myself as a determined and persistent young woman.
Yes, I was weak but now I am strong…
Yes, I am beautiful and very attractive physically.
Yes, I have done foolish and stupid things…
Yes, I have failed but I am a success because I don’t and will never give up on something I want and I believe in.
Yes, I am a lover and so I believe in love.
Yes, I am a neat enthusiast.
Yes, I am passionate about everything I want and I believe in.
Yes, I am loving, caring and a good woman.
Yes, I am a good friend.
Yes, i am a good student, daughter and citizen.
Yes, I am a loyal and faithful person.
Yes, I am a love singing and dancing.
Yes, I am of peace, always.
Yes, I love knowledge.
Yes, I am understanding and respectful.
Yes, I believe in justice.
Yes, I enjoy socialising.
Yes, I am highly responsible, disciplined and principled.
Yes, I am every woman… J
Yes, I love my family and friends.
Yes, I am a stronger believer in God and Jesus Christ. I know that their love for me will always protect and guide me.

Will I break the law to save a loved one?

Will I break the law to save a loved one? Well, I have to admit - that is a tough one. I hope I never have to be in this situation and if I have to be, I will certainly hope I do what is right; and you might ask, what will be the right thing to do? For me, saving a loved one will largely depend on what he/she did.

For example, if I were to know for a fact that my brother or dear friend killed somebody in cold blood; or that my dear friend raped a 16 year old girl and he was caught – I will not break the law to save him. I truly believe that each and every one of us most takes responsibility for their actions that is the only way you can change for the better. You cannot do wrong and go scot-free.

That being said, I will support you during your time of punishment, by visiting you in prison and making sure that you know that I love you no matter what you did. I will be sympathetic to his plight and compassionate. I believe that you will make him or her better person, than having to help them cover up their wrong doings.

On the other hand, if I know for a fact that my loved one is not guilty of the crime they are been accused of, you bet that I will break the law. Either way, I believe that I will be saving them.

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