Of all the forms of courage the ability to laugh is the most powerful one; as it has the influence to change your view
about the situation at hand. Been able to laugh in the midst of all craziness stirs
a positive attitude, and suddenly you can do the impossible. Laughing keeps one
pushing forward into the unknown, hoping that things will work out in the end. It
makes one see the best of every circumstance.
It is not easy to laugh when things don’t go as it should be or as one
planned, for laughing when all you feel like doing is to cry and be negative,
is pretending; but there is a magic to laughing when things don’t go right. It
brings a sense of gratitude for what you are going through, it paves a way for
one to keep moving.
It is really a courageous act to laugh in the midst of darkness. I feel
that laughing brings sanity to a world of craziness. It is not easy to laugh
and stay positive in the midst of difficulties; but I guess that is why the
most courageous act that one can perform in difficult times is to laugh. For it
means that you see the darkness but still believe you will get through it just
fine – you are facing the difficulties with a positive mind-set.
So, I will encourage you to stay laughing and dance in the rain. Don’t
wait for the rain to pass in order to dance, because whether rain or sun, life
goes on.
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being able to laugh in the mist of craziness is divine and it takes alot of strength and the ability to laugh in these turbulent world is what makes laughing the bravest act of courage.Well done!!!