
Friday, 16 November 2012

How old would i be if i didn't know how old i am?

How old would I be if I didn't know how old I am? Well, I will say every age since I came to this earth; that is because I don’t long to change anything in my life. I am quiet contented with where I have been and where I am going.

I have accepted my failures, challenges, difficulties, problems and struggles; I am not happy I had to go through all of that, but it will not be fair for things to go smoothly for me, while others out there suffer terribly.

Life is full of ups and downs, bad and good times. When the good times come, I celebrate and I rejoice; and when the bad times come I accept it and hope for the good times to come.

Since when I was 1 year old till now that I am 25 years old, I have loved every moment of it. I have been through ups and downs and that is what makes my life interesting. All of that are memories that makes me look back and i laugh or cry; it gives meaning to my existence. So, If I didn't know how old I am, I would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 years old. Yes, every age was special to me and i am looking forward to many more beautiful, yet challenging years to come.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Activities that make me lose track of time

The following are the activities that make me lose track of time, and that is because when i get to that mood, there is no stopping, they are:

Working on school projects
Chatting with friends
Watching comedies

The list is endless, but these are but a few of the activities that make me lose track of time.

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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Of all the forms of courage the ability to laugh is the most…

Of all the forms of courage the ability to laugh is the most powerful one; as it has the influence to change your view about the situation at hand. Been able to laugh in the midst of all craziness stirs a positive attitude, and suddenly you can do the impossible. Laughing keeps one pushing forward into the unknown, hoping that things will work out in the end. It makes one see the best of every circumstance. 

It is not easy to laugh when things don’t go as it should be or as one planned, for laughing when all you feel like doing is to cry and be negative, is pretending; but there is a magic to laughing when things don’t go right. It brings a sense of gratitude for what you are going through, it paves a way for one to keep moving.

It is really a courageous act to laugh in the midst of darkness. I feel that laughing brings sanity to a world of craziness. It is not easy to laugh and stay positive in the midst of difficulties; but I guess that is why the most courageous act that one can perform in difficult times is to laugh. For it means that you see the darkness but still believe you will get through it just fine – you are facing the difficulties with a positive mind-set.

So, I will encourage you to stay laughing and dance in the rain. Don’t wait for the rain to pass in order to dance, because whether rain or sun, life goes on.

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I Know I Am Not Perfect, But...

"But we all...beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image" (2Corinthians 3:18).
Dear Friends,
After being an alcoholic for many years, Sharon became a Christian. In Christ she found forgiveness, new life, and freedom from alcohol. However, to this day Sharon still views herself as a work in progress. "I know I am not all I should be, but I am not what I used to be either...God is not through with me yet. Like most of God's children, I am still a work in progress."

I am sure you can identify with Sharon. I can. That we Christians are still "works in progress" is evident from the word of God. The term the Bible uses is “sanctification”. Sanctification is growing in holiness. It is an ongoing work of God within our lives. It is God's Spirit within us, forming us, changing us, and shaping us into the image of Jesus.

What is Sanctification? It is "being transformed...from glory to glory." Sanctification is a lifelong process by which a Christian grows in holiness and becomes more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

“But we all...beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2Cor 3:18).

Who does it? This transforming work is a ministry of "the Spirit of the Lord." Dwelling within our hearts, the Holy Spirit gently and gradually changes our nature into the image of Christ.

What must I do? Sanctification is a partnership between you and God. You can cooperate with Him by allowing His Spirit to work within you. Do you desire to be everything God wants you to be? If so, let His word to guide you in this process. In this verse the Bible is likened to a mirror: "Beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord..." When you read your Bible, God will guide you. He will reveal Christ to you. He will teach you and correct you. By reading and putting God's word into practice, you are allowing His Spirit to sanctify you. In this way you are cooperating with God.

I hope that this helps you in your understanding of sanctification. It is an exciting process that begins the day you receive Christ and continues throughout your life on earth. It is God's way of making you like Jesus, and gives you hope for the future. Like Sharon you may say: "I know I am not all I should be, but I am not what I used to be, either...God is not through with me yet!"

In His strong love,

    Source of Image:

Thursday, 1 November 2012

The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood trauma


I have observed that most adults feel entitle to treat others like garbage, because of the trauma they suffered during their childhood; forgetting that the statute of limitations has expired on most of their childhood trauma. There is a need to realise that as grownups, our actions have consequences and so we need to accept responsibilities for every act of kindness or wickedness we do unto others. 

So, if you give the excuse of “I raped that child or beat that woman” because of what I went through when I was younger, that excuse will not work as it is not justifiable. A question to get you thinking - if you did not like the feeling when you were younger, why would you put your wife and children through that same trauma?

It is time adults start acting as one. Whatever you had to endure when you were younger it was never OK, and I am sorry for that. You got out of that hell just fine, if you are still alive, you are fine. Instead of paying wickedness to innocent people because of what others did to you when you were younger, choose to do good, because you know how it feels. 

If you choose to forgive, you will be OK. It is not OK for you to act in a bad manner with people as a result of your childhood. That means, you are still resentful and holding back so much pain. Let it go by forgiving them - let go of the anger before you end up hurting people and yourself. Remember, the statute of limitations has expired on most of your childhood – you are an adult now and act like one.

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Choose With Intention


Choose to soar. Choose to fly your dreams.
– Jonathan Lock wood Huie

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die; and the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.
 – Eleanor Roosevelt

Make your important choices in life based on your values and your long-term objectives rather than on a need for approval.
 – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Since you are the one who has to live with your choices, be sure they are your own. 
– Alan Cohen

Every day is a new beginning – a day for a new plan and new action. If today, in conscious awareness, you choose the same plan as yesterday, you are wise. If you choose a different plan, you are equally wise. Whatever you choose, choose with intention.
 – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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