
Wednesday, 25 July 2012

World famous for 15 minutes

Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes”. You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

A very good question – why would I want to be world famous and for just 15 minutes? Personally, I am not interested in being world famous person and if I were to be; I will want to be famous for being a positive influence on both the young and old – which means, I will want to be remembered for good works, especially influencing people to do good and the right thing and that is through the spirit of love.

For example, to influence people to be more forgiven, compassionate, humble and just in their dealings with each other. I will only be able to influence by my actions. I truly belief that actions influence better than words and so my act should be that of kindness, and peace – promoting love.

Giving that I am not interested in fame and I will not look for it – my act of kindness and peace should and will be done daily and I hope that through my actions I can challenge people to be loving towards each other. Knowing that I was a positive influence to somebody makes me happy and I don’t care If I get recognised for it or not. All I am is an advocate of love and peace in this world.

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The golden rule

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets” – this was the wise remarks spoken by Jesus Christ in Matthew 7vs12, but what exactly does it mean?

It is simple – treat people the way you will want to be treated. I do not understand why humans insist on doing evil deeds to their fellow men and when it is done to them they feel bad.

The closing statement “this is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets” balances the opening statement; which to me simply means that if we follow the first statement, we will be sure to do the right thing.
For example, a rich man that treats his servant with so much contempt – I am sure if he was in the servants’ shoes, he will want the servant to treat him with love and respect; so then why treat him with so much disrespect? Another example is the player/player kind of guy – that goes around playing with women as if they were toys and in the process not caring about how these women feel. If you were in her shoes – put yourself for one moment in their shoes; how will you feel?

So, this rule urges us to do the right thing. It challenges us to take other people into consideration when making choices and decisions. Nobody likes being disrespected, rejected, humiliated, lied to, cheated on, played like a fool, etc… I can boldly say that there is no human being on earth that likes to be treated badly, no matter how evil you are – so if you don’t like people treating you badly, please don’t do it to others. If you look closely, it all comes down to “love your neighbour as yourself” – one of the greatest commandments given by the wise man, Jesus Christ in Mark 12vs31.

It is a challenge but it can be done. So I challenge you to stand by golden rule!!!

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The South African Pocket Oxford Dictionary – 3rd edition, defines a friend as a person one likes and knows very well. I like the second definition, which says, a familiar or helpful thing. Notice it says “helpful” – that means a friend does not supposed to only know you and like you, but also be of help to you.

Help by rendering support, love, care, advice, guidance, etc… the person supposed to have your back. If you do not do any of these, then you are not a friend.

Your duty or responsibility as a friend is to be there for your friend. Not to criticise, judge and worse of all gossip about your friend. When your friend is not present with you, she should be confident that you have her best interest at heart; she shouldn’t feel that behind her back, you will sell her out. A friend shouldn’t feel intimidated by you and you shouldn’t make him/her feel that way.

I am a strong believer in family and friendship. I love my family and friends and I will do anything in my power to let them know that I have their back and they know that. I belief that friends are your second family; I am there to render to love and guidance – not to trash them.

Of course in every relationship there are always misunderstandings, but instead of being a “Judas” to that person you supposedly call friend – confront him/her and settle the scores there. When you chose to sell your friend – to me you are no longer a friend but an enemy.

So, I call on every one out there to really take a long look at yourself and ask - “am I a friend?”

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Words of wisdom

Some words of wisdom for your daily lives; these words should promote peace and love. It should guide you when faced with difficulties.

I Believe….

That your life can be changed in a matter of hours, by people who don’t even know you.

That even when you think you have no more to give, if a friend cries out to you... you will find the strength to help.

That sometimes when I am angry i have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel.

That we don’t have to change friends, if we understand that friends change.

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Friday, 20 July 2012

A skill set called leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence one’s opinion and behavior. It is indeed a skill, because whoever possesses it has the ability to influence people into actions; and such actions could be bad or good – depending on what kind of leader you have.

For example, a person that is a good leader will be a servant to others, because his/her main aim is the people; but a bad leader only cares about himself and so service to others is not important. However, they both possess passion for the course, charisma, determination, focus, and many other qualities that will help them get to the vision.

It is vital to know that, leadership deals with goals and visions and people to direct or guide to that vision. Without a clear vision, goals cannot be put in place. The vision will make it possible for you as a leader to set goals that will get you and your people there.

Leadership is a skill that some are born with and others learn – but however you get that power, it is definitely a skill and should be used for the good of others and you.

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The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.
- Sydney Harris

The key to happiness is inner peace.
The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions
such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion,
while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility
are the sources of peace and happiness.
- Dalai Lama

you’re only here for a short visit.
Don't hurry. Don't worry.
And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.
- Walter Hagen

 Source of Image:

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Rock journalism

Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read – this statement was made by Frank Zappa in 1977 during an interview with a writer for the Toronto Star Newspaper named Bruce Kirkland.

My understanding of the quote is that it makes reference to two set of people that a journalist needs in order to make a name, they are: people who can’t talk – people being interviewed such as celebrities, politicians, etc… and people who can’t read - the public. Have in mind that the person who can’t write is the media person (journalist).

This quote tells us that the journalist (people who can’t write) - tend to twist the story told by celebrities/politicians (people who can’t talk) for the public (people who can’t read) in order to make a name for themselves.

Basically what it means is that most journalists exploit both the celebrities/politicians and the public to make a name for themselves. They can’t write, because the work they get from the interview has to go through all sort of editing; by the time the final story is ready, almost all that was originally said by the celebrity or politician is out of context, hence, the celebrities or politicians can’t talk because their true words have been tampered with. The people, who end up reading the articles, can’t read – in the sense that they read but they do not think critically. They believe everything the media say.

Therefore, journalist are the ones who can’t write because they print half-truth about the celebrities or politicians (people who can’t talk) because their word has been tampered with by journalists – the journalist have the final say; for the public who can’t read, because they are not thinking critically. Bottom line, journalists have power over the person they are interviewing and the public.



Your choices affect you and others

We are all faced with choices every single day and every time. The choices we make, does not only affect us but the people around us and even strangers – people we may never get to see.

I feel oblige to tell you my friends to be very careful when making choices. This life you have is not only yours; it is given to you by God, so use it wisely. Yeah, we all have rights to choose our path; but when that path leads to a wrong direction, we need to make a conscious effort to change gears and go to the right direction.

Someone somewhere is looking at you and wishing to be you. That person looks at the way you live and is going; I want to be like that. Most at times, we don’t know but that’s what happens and you need to realise that that right there is power. You have the power to be a positive or negative influence to someone, through your choices.

So, next time you are faced with making a choice – have in mind that there are people that your choices will affect and think how it will affect them. Also, ask yourself what kind of influence do you want to be unto others – negative or a positive influence. May the Lord God give you strength to choose the right path, always and when you go astray, may He give you the wisdom to admit and turn away from the wrong path.

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Friday, 6 July 2012

My top 200 achievements

Wow!!! – top 200 achievements, nope, not yet, maybe when I am 80; considering that I am just 25 years old, I will not claim to have achieved 200 things in my life, but I can boldly list a few that have an impact on who I am today and give me courage and hope to continue this journey. Well, there you have it:

1.    I survive my childhood struggles and I am proud to say that I am doing well and on top of things; I didn’t allow the struggles to mess me up.

2.    I survived my stay in Nigeria - a country where things are not easy. There is a saying, if you can survive in Nigeria, you can survive anywhere in the world.

3.    I learned English quickly and with no tutorials on the side.

4.    I pass my 2nd term of JSS1, which in South Africa is called Grade 7vof High School. I pointed out this, because by then I was not an expert in English, but I didn’t allow that to affect me. I just arrived in Nigeria, with no good knowledge of English, but I manage to pass all my subjects of that year.

5.    Completing my primary education.

6.    Completing my secondary education.

7.    Writing my senior school certificate and passing with 6 distinctions and 2 credits.

8.    Getting accepted to study Public Relations Management out of hundreds of students that might have applied.

9.    Completing my National Diploma.

10. Doing and internship in South Africa – it often proofs very difficult for foreigners to find internship opportunities here.

11. Being a health and hostel prefect when I was in secondary school.

12. Awarded the best dancer in a dance competition that took place in my country, Equatorial Guinea in 1998.

13. I have being baptised and have received the Holy Communion - is an achievement as a Christian.

14. Learning the true meaning of respect, responsibility and discipline.

15. In 2008, i was awarded a student tutor certificate for Public Relations.

16. Travelling alone.

17. Staying away from my family and home country for a long time and not getting in trouble - i have been leaving in other countries since i was 14 years old.

18. Being responsible and focus.

19. Being a godmother of two wonderful children. It is a heavy duty and lots of responsibilities but an honour and privilege to be in their lives.

20. Being a good daughter and a good, loving and supportive friend.

21. Being a good citizen.

22. Being a good individual in this world. It is not easy maintaining a good behaviour when there is so much pressure and evilness, but I have been able to do that and will continue to do that, God willing.

23. Being a forgiving and loving person in a world that constantly and daily wants to change you to be the opposite.

24. Refusing to follow the crowd.

25. Accepting Jesus Christ into my life – this is an achievement that I need to work on every single day. It is never over, but at least I gave it a step.

These achievements made and make headlines in my life. When I think of these achievements, it motivates me to continue the journey even though at times things get tough. I use these achievements to evaluate my life from time to time and they also give me courage and hope that I can do it – YES I CAN. All of these would not have been possible if God hadn’t been on my side, so, Thank you God and I am looking forward for many more.

A Psalm that gives hope and strength

Psalm 23 is one of my favourite Psalms in the Bible – it gives me strength in tough times; these words are powerful, so when you say it, believe it.

The Lord is my Sheppard, I will not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures

He leads me beside the still waters and He restores my soul

He leads me in path of righteousness, for His name sake

And though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil

For He is with me, He is rod and staff will comfort me

He prepares a table before me, in the presence of my enemy

He anoints my head with oil, my cup overflows

Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me

All the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Forever and ever, AMEN!!!

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