
Thursday, 16 February 2012

Little kindness goes a long way!!!

A child helping an elderly woman
We are often too absorb in our lives; is it because we live in a competitive world, that we fail to be kind to one another. We do not care about being civil, caring and sensitive to people.We have to survive at any cost. So, we fail to realize that that its affecting our relationship with one another.

You don't have to be cruel and insensitive to make it out in this world. A little act of kindness goes a long way. You don't have to give millions to the next person to make a difference. You will be surprise at how just a hug, a smile, a node of good job can make someone happy and that act makes them feel special.

Being kind, does not make you weak, instead it makes you stronger. To survive in a world, where you do the right thing no matter what goes around you, makes you strong. Do good and you will feel good. Whenever you can, practice kindness, its good; not only for your soul but for your physical health as well.

Two people come out of a building and into a story

Two people come out of a building and into a story is a story of a young lady that its being chased by a Police officer for shoplifting. The story goes that the young lady is homeless and in order for her to survive out on the streets, she has to do tricks. 

It so happened that the day she decides to rob a local store, there is a police officer present at the store. The officer senses her intentions and the young girl panics and runs away. This reaction, drives the officer to conclude that the young lady is dealing with illegal things and therefore, tries to stop her from further hurting herself and others in the process. This incident leads the young girl to get out of the store and being chased by the officer out on the streets of New York.

The Nature's message to humanity

The view of the sea from Table Mountain

Imagine, you arrived home from work very tired and stress, wouldn't it be nice to just seat quietly outside of your house and feel the breeze of the ocean refresh you, or look at the sunset and be amaze by the dazzling ray that it gives before it fades away into the unknown. That will leave you in awe, right? little things as such, take your mind off the troubles of the world. That is a small price to pay for your peace and we need that in order to function well. A well balanced life, goes a long way to achieving set goals and nature can give you that.

In a world where we are constantly running around, busy with this and that; we often find it difficult and not important to have time with nature, but we have to give ourselves the permission to receive what nature offers, and its free. Nature offers us the opportunity to not only explore more about living things, but to find inner peace and clear our minds from our worrisome lives.

Say yes to peace of mind and tranquility in your life by choosing to make nature your closest friend.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

How hard is it to follow instructions?

When we were younger, we heard our parent telling us to tidy up our rooms, but that didn't stop there. We arrived in school and there she goes, the lecturer saying "don't come late to my classroom" and in the industry managers telling us to write good press releases because its important for press coverage for a client. All of these instructions, sure makes us feel a little untrustworthy, because everywhere we go there is always someone telling us what to do. Why all these instructions and why is it so hard to follow them?

Curiosity kills the cat
Instructions are there to protect us and it often comes with a penalty. its like a set of rules, in which if broken, there is punishment for it and  if followed, you get rewarded; I think the reason why people find it hard to follow instructions, its because of laziness, irresponsibility to the task, and thinking that they know better. I guess we need instructions to keep us on track and for anyone that its arrogant, lazy and irresponsible, they feel they don't need it and that makes it hard for them to follow instructions.
